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I live and work in the city of Sopot, Bulgaria. An association which will be increasingly heard from. From 2011, I am a member of Association of Miniature Artists - AMA.
This window is for your opinions, impressions, criticisms, and recommendations. I will not write here. Questions regarding the devices, or other questions, you can specify which though one of the contacts. I thank you in advance for your comments. Please fill in the following fields. Please fill out your name. 8211; Please fill out your comment. After this step, your opinion will be published.
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What materials and coatings do you use? I use wood materials which are usually walnut, pear, and Box wood. Furthermore, I use wood from trees such as apple, cherry, hawthorn, and other exotic trees. Inlays are from colored and precious metals. For the blades of the knives I use high quality stainless steel, and first-class Damascus steel from Russia. How long does it take to manufacture something? The time frame to manufacture products is different depending on the complexity and existing workload.
The proposed samples are standard engraved hunting weapons. The decoration of your weapon and its confection become unique. Blaser 7 - Big five. Engraving and carving of Blaser R93 ; metal engraving on head ; bolt ball - Walnut, Ebony and Boxwood tree , ca.
The goal of this site is to familiarize you with my work, and to provide technical and incidental information about my work, and to serve as a sort of gateway to other glyptic sites. This site may also serve as a knowledge bank. To those who are just beginning to learn the craft of engraving and carving. Craftsmanship and artistic decoration of different types of knives. Engravings and decoration of pistols and revolvers.
Here, you can see the interesting works of my friends who, for now, do not have their own websites.
Изложените ножове са изработени от естествени материали, по класически начин и техника.
This section contains all other collected items. In it you will see from jewelry boxes to crossbows. Dimensions - 150 X 100 X 60 mm.
The proposed models are factory made. Pistol wood grips for Browning Hi-Power.
Håndlavede brugsknive i nordisk stil fremstillet af de bedste materialer. Jeg har lavet knive siden 1996. Jeg laver næsten kun den nordiske kniv. Jeg bruger smedede og slebne klinger, som jeg køber af danske og svenske klingesmede og -sliber. Knivskarp kærlighed i kælderen med girafskinneben og bøffelhorn.
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Apie peilininkus, peilius ir viską, kas su tuo susiję. Buvo įkurta 2008 metais siekiant suburti peilininkus, t. peilius gaminančius, kolekcionuojančius, peiliais prekiaujančius ar kitaip su peilininkyste susijusius asmenis, jų veiklos problemoms spręsti. Mūsų asociacija - tai pelno nesiekianti organizacija, kurios tikslas koordinuoti asociacijos narių veiklą, atstovauti narių interesams ir juos ginti bei tenkinti kitus viešuosius interesus. Peilių tipologija, sandara ir terminija.
Apie asociaciją, peilius ir viską, kas su tuo susiję. Buvo įkurta 2008 metais siekiant suburti peilininkus, t. peilius gaminančius, kolekcionuojančius, peiliais prekiaujančius ar kitaip su peilininkyste susijusius asmenis, jų veiklos problemoms spręsti. Mūsų asociacija - tai pelno nesiekianti organizacija, kurios tikslas koordinuoti asociacijos narių veiklą, atstovauti narių interesams ir juos ginti bei tenkinti kitus viešuosius interesus. Įrankis su kotu ir geležte, skirtas pjauti.